personal growth
"Tell me and I will forget,
involve me and I will understand"
show me and I may remember,
- Confucius
During this unforgettable trip, I'm going to experience the freedom and challenges I miss in my everyday life. Stepping outside my comfort zone, although nerve-wracking, will be a huge learning opportunity. I'll get to know other cultures and experiences, and through that, I believe I will become more confident. Cause of that I can become a better person. Ultimately, I will take the things I have learned into my daily life and inspire others with them!

I'm going to learn:
Working together
Taking the lead / initiative
Dealing with setbacks
Searching for solutions
Taking and bearing responsibility
Stepping out of your comfort zone (and daring to learn there)
Learning through experience and doing
Improving communication
Working independently on school tasks
Getting to know other cultures