
During this unforgettable trip, sustainability plays a big theme. As a Fridays for Future member, a worldwide organization of youth who are committed to climate justice, I want to share my dedication to sustainability and together with others, commit to a better world! I have consciously chosen to explore the world in this way and use the power of nature.


After the survival on the San-Blas Islands a few years ago, a little group Sas,ers organized a beach clean-up. Since then the beach clean-ups have become a standard part of the School at Sea program. This way we can contribute to clean beaches. Additionally, we make sure to leave everything tidy behind!


During the journey, we will witness and experience the impact of plastic pollution firsthand. Waste from Panama reaches the sea through the rivers and accumulates in large quantities on the San Blas Islands; the stomachs of fish caught contain countless pieces of plastic, and the beaches are flooded with large piles of waste.

By participating in multiple research studies and citizen science projects by The Ocean Cleanup and The Ocean Movement, we contribute to ongoing research efforts. Using The Ocean Cleanup Survey app, we will map plastic pollution while sailing and at various destinations. Additionally, with the specially developed high-speed (AVANI) trawl by The Ocean Movement, we will conduct research on microplastics.


Here in the Netherlands, we are used to turning on the tap and having water come out. At sea, we'll notice that it's not so obvious. On board, we create our own water! We do this with a machine that can also teach us a lesson in biology and physics. We use the water for drinking, showering, and doing the dishes. However, we have to use the water we have sparingly, so we trade the endless, hot, and daily showers for a few minutes of showering once every two to three days.